Freedom Church Cheltenham
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These messages have been recorded live from our Sunday services at Freedom Church in Cheltenham UK. We are passionate about connecting anyone, anywhere to a life-changing relationship with Jesus through community, church gatherings, worship, creativity and more.
Want to find out more about us? Be sure to check out our website, follow us on social media, and reach out online if you want to share anything that has resonated with you in these podcasts!
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Podcasting since 2024 • 18 episodes
Freedom Church Cheltenham
Latest Episodes
OVERFLOW : Week 1 - Having A Vision For Your Finances
💰 Having a Vision for Your Finances | Overflow Series - Week 1 💰Feeling trapped by finances? Stressed about money? Pastor Andy Rattenbury kicks off the Overflow series with a powerful message on God’s vision for your finances. Money isn’t t...
LOVE WAR PEACE - Marriage Goals
🔥 Marriage Goals – A Double Whammy Preach! 🔥Join Pastors Andy & Emily Rattenbury as they bring a powerful word on what it means to have a God-centered marriage. From submission to vision, communi...
LOVE WAR PEACE - Relational Courage - Week 4
🔥 Love. War. Peace. Week 4 – Relational Courage with Pastor Andy Rattenbury 🔥Rejection hurts. Conflict is tough. But what if there’s a better way? This week, we’re diving into the courage to confront, the wisdom to heal, and the strengt...
LOVE WAR PEACE - Don't Be A Plank!
We’re all guilty of pointing fingers—but are we willing to own up when we mess up? 🤔 In Don't Be a Plank, Pastor Andy Rattenbury unpacks what it means to take responsibility, embrace humility, and stop blame-shifting in our relationships. ...
LOVE WAR PEACE - The Power Of Relationships!
Love, War & Peace – The power of relationships.This week, Pastor Em dives into the power of relationships and how they shape our faith journey. We are not meant to live like hermits, God has something greater in mind! This message share...
Season 2
Episode 2